Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rett Syndrome & Utah

The Rett Syndrome conference was amazing. I learned a great deal about Rett Syndrome and the State of Utah, or the Salt Lake City area to be exact.

Rett Conference:

I have to say that it was an amazing experience to meet the researchers and doctors at the conference in Utah.  You could sense their dedication to our girls in the way that they spoke and the things that they said.  You could see it on their faces when they saw one of the girls. It was touching and inspiring.

I had a great experience at the Utah conference.  I saw a bunch of girls that made me feel hopeful for Emma's future. There were girls walking around and enjoying music, laughing and seeking out their loved ones and generally having a great time.  This is what I hope for Emma's future.  There were of course the girls that make me afraid of there ominous "Regression".  This word strikes fear to the very core of me .... has it happened .... what will she be like once it is over ....

I learned a TON about communication and finally feel like I am headed in the correct direction.  One would think that a Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) would know about these things but apparently not.  My SLT has never worked with assistive technology and had never heard of 2 of the 3 companies that I had mentioned when discussing devices.  SCARY!  So I at least have a direction and the contact information of a couple of ladies that seem very knowledgeable about the topic of Rett and communication.

I learned a lot about the research and a bunch of other topics that I wont bore you with.  The communication was the biggest thing for me at this time and I went to 3 different presentations on communication and literacy.  I need to be able to communicate with my baby...  I want to know why she is smiling, what it is that she thinks is so funny, why she is sad ..

Utah... Salt Lake City area

What a freak show!!  DO NOT under ANY circumstances go the the craptastic Great Salt Lake.  What a horror show!!  My friend and I literally ran screaming from the beach without so much as sticking a toe in the water.

We drove to antelope island and parked our car at the beach entrance.  We were stopped by a teenage boy who said "you're going to hate the beach".  In retrospect he was not simply the angsty teenager we thought he was, but rather a harbinger of doom, next time I will heed the warning of an angry teen. Anyway, we walked through what seemed like a quarter mile of blazing hot sand and jagged rock under the blistering hot sun from our car to the beach, as we approached the beach I discovered a rotting half consumed corps of some kinda animal, I pointed it out to my friend and we steered clear of the thing. As we were just a few feet from the beach we were attacked by hordes of tiny fly like things ... think apocalyptic  swarm of locusts.  It was horrendous they followed us up the beach and about half way back to our car as we ran screaming, waiving our arms and dumping water on our heads trying to get them off.  Do not go there!

They sell liquor at the State Liquor Store.  The liquor store does not sell wine openers because they are afraid you will drink the wine in the parking lot (according to the employee) ... whats to stop a person from chugging Captain Morgans, it has a twist off top?  Logic people, think!!

There are hardly any people in Utah yet all of the buildings, restaurants, stores and streets are HUGE, its bizarre.
Downtown Salt Lake City at 6pm!

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