Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Children's Museum Trip

We took Emma & her bother to the Children's Museum on Navy Pier.  They both seemed to have a good time but I have to say that it is not the best place to take a child that cannot walk independently.

Manny walking down incline
climbing stairs

crawling up fire truck after climbing stairs

crawling through shoe

has to walk up narrow stairs to get to play area

There was really only one room that she could navigate herself and it was littered with stuffed animals all over the floor.

 SO, she saw most of the place from her stroller, I don't really think that she cared to much.  She was kinda tired anyway as it was pretty close to lunch and nap time.   Also, it was not all that great for the price, honestly almost $100 for us to walk around was is tantamount to a giant playroom. 

It is weird that nowadays when every we go some where my brain automatically assesses how Emma friendly the environment is for her.

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