Saturday, August 3, 2013

The journey home.

Today was day one in my voyage home, 840 miles with 2 year old twins all by myself.  I MUST be insane.

Emma barfed all over herself 3x before we made it an hour, needless to say I ran out of emergency outfits. Okay, no problem, I'll clean you up when we get to the lunch stop, AKA the busiest McDonalds on the planet. There were 3 bus loads of boys scouts at the place in addition to what appears to be half of the soldiers from the nearby army base. There was literally a line almost out the door of the McDonalds! Crazy. 

I have to say, that being on a restaurant filled to the brim with Boy Scouts and soldiers I had no problems getting my unwieldy double stroller around the place, what a helpful bunch! 

After cleaning Emma up and spending a lifetime in line we got our food and all was well, babies were eating, no one was covered in barf, no crying, no whining  ... Parental bliss... 

Then I hear "mommy look at me, hahaha" and I look over and see my son dump chocolate milk on his face, probably half the container! Covering himself and thinking he's the funniest person on earth.... devil.  Back to the bathroom for another hose down and wardrobe change!

The rest of the ride when well, Emma got a little cranky. Every time she started crying I gave her a fruit snack,
It was like a anti-crying magic candy..... or it gave her a sugar high.... either way she stopped crying and was in a great mood for the rest of the trip and tonight in the hotel. 

All in all I'd say it when pretty good, most people were concerned about me traveling alone and it being harder because of Emma's disability but I have to say that I think she did great, she's a wonderful little traveler. I'd say my twins were no different in terms of their traveling tolerance. 

 Tomorrow we start leg two of our journey.... 

Emma & Manny miss their grandpa already!!  Love ya dad!

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