Friday, August 2, 2013

You're lucky that I fear prison...

I have been on a wonderful 22 day long hiatus visiting my family in NY.  My great grandfather passed many years ago and I have not been to his home since his passing and hearing that it might be sold soon by my great aunt I wanted to visit a beloved place from my youth before it is gone.

There is a reason that no NO ONE really goes there anymore ..... my super psycho great aunt!

I knew she was crazy before we went there, she has always been a complete wack job.  Wack job might be putting it mildly....... Ummmm, can't think of a more suitable adjictive. Raging lunatic?... Nope, not strong enough, anyway ... she has never met my daughter before and she has no idea what Rett Syndrome is, an ignorance I can readily forgive as I did not know what it was six months ago either.

However, this nut all of a sudden started telling me what a burden she was going to be to me and how she is a life time, 24/7 job and that I better get an abortion if I get my self pregnant again because its gonna cost money ... Blah, blah, blah, blah.  Over and over and over again she went on and on for what felt like forever! It was crazy, SHE is crazy.  If she wasn't related and older than dirt I might have gone crazy myself and given a slap upside the head.  I doubt it would have done a bit of good since she is super crazy. What can ya do...

Life goes on....

Emma and the new friend she acquired this trip! 

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