Sunday, August 18, 2013

1,680 miles later...

My summer has been such a whirlwind that I really don't know where to begin! I have spent the entire summer crisscrossing the United States for various reasons dragging my precious babies with me!! Thank God they are good travelers, well, mostly.

First we were in NY, as I mentioned before. Some parts were hard but the trip was mostly great.

One thing that sucked was people telling me that "she'll grow out of it and be just fine". Ummm, no. You can't grow outta Rett.

 People also talked about all the things that she'll do when she is older, things that typical children do and that is hard for me to deal with. I know that they just are being hopeful and optimistic... I think, who knows maybe it makes them feel better. However, as much as I want to believe that there will be a treatment soon and that she will be able to do more things and have more opportunities it is a quite hope that I keep close to my heart and don't let it run around unchecked.

I HAVE to keep it in check so that I can live in the reality of today and the daily grind of doctors and therapists and sensory diets and cutting up food into bite sized pieces and worrying bout her weight and worrying that I not paying enough attention to her brother and finding ways to pay for therapy. 

I have to find a routine, some kind of normalcy and comfort in my life that isn't tied to how I thought it would all work out. I would hate my life if I lived all the time talking and thinking about how I hope things will be different later. I can't even imagine how Emma would feel if I spent all my time around her talking about how I hope she will be different later!

Nope, I choose to except our life together as it is and to just enjoy her just the way she is beautiful, sweet and full of life.

I do desperately hope someday that someday soon there is a treatment while she is still young so she can some semblance of the childhood I hoped for her, and that someday there is a cure. This hope drives my participation in fundraisers like the stroll-a-thon and my own fundraiser that I am working on to help fund research. It is even tempting me to join one of those marathon training things so I can get in shape and possibly join the Rett Racers and believe me, THAT is some powerful hope right there! The only other thing that would get me to run a half or full marathon would be if I were being chased by a hungry Bengal tiger and even then I might say screw it and quit!! I digress... so I do have hope, and I am optimistic but I have to live in the now, otherwise I think that I would spend each day heartbroken and miss the joy of seeing her smile and hearing her laugh and watching her with her brother, whom she clearly adores ❤

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