Sunday, September 1, 2013

2,480 miles later

My belief in the medical field is almost nonexistent at this point.  We took Emma to the Rett Syndrome clinic in Minnesota it was a wonderful experience.  The people that work there are wonderful and the doctors were fantastic.  

I brought with me the medical records, x-rays and reports from her regular doctors office in Illinois.  They reviewed the records and x-rays.  When they put up the x-ray of her back I about died.   I must have looked like I felt because the doctor in Minnesota looked at me and said "oh, is this the first time you are seeing this?"  Why yes, yes it was. EVEN I COULD SEE the CURVE in her SPINE!!  Seriously!  These were the records I brought with me, taken months before!! I was floored, I almost burst into flames in her office.  It was all I could do to contain my self and not completely spaz out in front of an office full of people.  I can see the headline now "Psycho Mom Freaks Out in Children's Hospital".  

Between the doctors who told me: 
  • "95% sure she did not have Rett": her developmental pediatrician  (oops, she does), 
  • her GI doctor that treated me like I was a hysterical mother and then LIED about referring me to the lab causing my insurance to come after me  (the file later showed him to be full of crap), 
  • the on call ER doctor that blew me off and told me not to come in when I told her Emma was puking and lethargic by responding "its night time, babies are supposed to be lethargic (Emma was hospitalized the next morning for 4 days she was so dehydrated they almost had to shove the IV in her neck), 
  • pediatricians who told me I was over reacting and that "all children develop differently" 
  • Physiatrists that miss curves of the spine

I don't know why anyone listens or trust anything these people say!  It seems to me that if you have a need beyond the common cold or a an immunization you are screwed!!  

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