Tuesday, September 10, 2013

EEG Número Dos

We are all still recovering from our second round of EEG. This one was better,and worse, than the last time in some ways.

It was not 48 hours long like last time,thank god. So Emma didn't have to walk around with all those wires glued to her head, we didn't have to plug her in to the infrared camera during meals, naps and bedtime and she didn't have to carry around a battery pack and recording device secured to her waist.

This time her EEG was only an hour, yay! But she had to be sleep deprived, wait, what! Boo! That sucked!! The saying "don't wake a sleeping baby" exists for a reason, they HATE it. 

She was mad when Manny & I yanked her from her peaceful slumber at 2am, but recovered fairly quickly and was slap happy until about 4am. At 4am she was finished with our shenanigans and wanted to go to sleep. We spent the next two hours passing her back and forth deploying various keep the baby awake methods while she cried and loudly expressed her displeasure with our behavior. 

We got her to the hospital and they quickly applied the electrodes and thankfully they turned off all the lights and she was allowed to go to sleep. I got a little upset sitting in the dark holding her tiny little hand as she slept, thinking about all the things she had to endure so far in her 2 years of life and how unfair it all is.

The hour passed pretty quickly and unfortunately for Emma they wanted to evaluate how her brain would react to strobe lights so she was awoken to obnoxiously bright flashing lights. Poor baby 😩 

After a few minutes it was over and she was unhooked and we went home. The sleep deprivation threw her off for the rest of the day. She threw up as we left and a few other times that day. She she is getting back on track now and we are praying that the results will come back this week free of seizures.


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